Thursday, March 12, 2020

Welcome to Douglas PC - posting reviews, tech issues, and helpful hints

Welcome to Douglas PC - Visit our website at

We will be posting review of products, items, and things we feel like reviewing, and commenting on while we evaluate the features and specifics comparing the details to the description to the item we get and use in real world experiences.  I hope you enjoy finding out with me the different aspects of each item and how well they do they work.

I also help and repair technology issues, and computer or web problems, or consulting work so if you would like to get some help with computers, or doing special technical tasks.  I'm available for hire on special projects or contractual basis or full time.  Feel free to contact me for computer or technology types of work.

Recently I've started doing reviews for items, and found some companies that have been sending me items for free or discounted in exchange to review and give my feedback on these items.  I'll be sharing these items, and ways to get involved with this to get started doing these reviews for items deals.

Please stay tuned, and follow as this blog is just starting and may be changing directions or at least be a wide array of different postings and topics of interests. 

Some of my hobbies and interests are, computers, technology, gadgets, health, traveling, kayaking, hiking, nature, camping, helping people, beekeeping, cattle ranching, yard landscaping, building and DIY projects, thrifty, and reusable items, and conservation of the environment, and more.